Tuesday 16 July 2019

The Heart of Education is the Education of the Heart!!

Nowadays education has just become a piece of degree that is just used to bring you a good job and a lifestyle..
  But the true meaning of education is left behind...
  People are more focused on getting more score than getting more knowledge..
People are more focused on moving faster than moving together..
People are more focused on criticizing others than helping them..
People are more focused on earning money than earning respect..

Education is not just about marks and degrees but it is about your core inner values on which you can stand up always..

It is about becoming a person with a vision of taking everyone forward...

It is about the respect you give to others irrespective of their characteristics..

It is the respect you earn by yourself through your attitude towards others..

It is about having a pure heart not only having a genius brain..

Finally, it is about educating your heart not only the brain....

"The Heart of Education is the Education of the Heart"

Friday 29 December 2017


Starting with the opposite of failure.

Success comes when you work hard.
You will work hard if you have dedication. You will be dedicated when you know its value.
You will know its value when you lose it. You will lose it when you have some part of it and that's where you think it's your failure and get depressed.
But you don't know to get something great you have leave something good!!
So stop thinking you have nothing because you get depressed only when you lose something 😊😊.

Conclusion: you think you failed but I think you are on the way to achieve something great. All the best for that in advance !!!!

Happy Reading!!!

By the way, what's your logic for success

Thursday 28 December 2017

I aspire!!

I aspire to become a better daughter to my parents...
I aspire to become a better sister to my siblings...
I aspire to become a better friend to all my friends...
I aspire to become a better student to my teachers...
I aspire to become a better citizen to my country...
Finally this New year ,
I aspire to become a better human being...

What do you aspire.....

Sunday 19 June 2016

happy father's day

                Wishing all the dear fathers in the world a very happy father's day.Hope everyone had a good day with their family.

            People say that there lies a heaven in the feet of your mother. but what about father,did anyone think what would be their importance in our life in sending us to heaven.

          Well the keys of the heaven are with the fathers,so all the children don't forget to keep your father happy!!! who knows where he kept the keys of heaven.!!haha  just joking!!!

         finally the quote-
        ''My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person he believed in me'' -jim valvano.
        Truly meant for all fathers who trust their children more than themselves.

Saturday 18 June 2016

stay happy!!!

hello friends,

    Can anyone tell me how can we be happy all the time. It is just so simple, what you need to do is enjoy whatever you are doing. I know sometimes it is very difficult to accept the situations of life but when you compromise a bit, it will be easier to you to stay happy. 
     Another way to be happy is to see your loved ones to be happy.It may be your parents,friends or relatives .
     A successful person is how who accepts his success and failure in an equal manner. No matter how big the success is or how small the failure is.Just have faith in yourself and your god everything will be fine.so don't be sad about your failures, don't be sad about your downfall .




hello everyone,

   I have just created my first blog.hope you all don't mind my few mistakes and i hope you all will correct me. 

  The main concept of my blog is that each and every problem has a solution.its just that we need to identify it. I would say people who identify their real problem and are ready to face it are the real people who are needed to be appreciated and others need to learn from them.
  I know no one's  life is perfect.so friends if you have any kind of problem please do tell us in the comment and probably you would get your solutions from us.
   thank you for spending your valuable time.